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Ilmastonmuutos diskurssit kolmessa YK:n ilmastokokous COP28:n aloituspuheessa
(V. Putkonen, 13.09.2024) -
Remains of Canidae and Felidae from Południowa Cave (Sudetes Mts., SW Poland)
Geological quarterly : 2 (POLISH GEOLOGICAL INST, 19.07.2024) -
Tutkimus- ja rekisteriaineistojen toisiokäyttö hoitotieteellisessä tutkimuksessa
Hoitotiede : 2 (Sairaanhoitajien koulutussäätiö, 30.06.2023) -
Theoretical Investigations of a point mutation affecting H5 Hemagglutinin's receptor binding preference
Computational biology and chemistry (Elsevier, 30.08.2024) -
(Routledge, 09.08.2024) -
Directly Characterizing the Capture Radius of Tethered Double-Stranded DNA by Single-Molecule Nanopipette Manipulation
Acs nano (American chemical society, 12.09.2024) -
Sustainable reuse of magnesite mine tailings in cement-treated expansive soil for enhanced subgrade performance: geotechnical and environmental analysis
Journal of Taibah University for Science : 1 (Taylor & Francis, 04.09.2024) -
Eco-Friendly Solutions to Emerging Contaminants: Unveiling the Potential of Bioremediation in Tackling Microplastic Pollution in Water
Advanced sustainable systems (Wiley-VCH Verlag, 19.06.2024) -
Species on the move: a genetic story of three golden jackals at the expansion front
Mammalian biology (Springer, 06.09.2024) -
Roxadustat alleviates metabolic traits in letrozole-induced PCOS mice
Biochemical pharmacology (Elsevier, 06.09.2024) -
Effectiveness of whole-body electromyostimulation on knee pain and physical function in knee osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled trial
Scientific reports : 1 (Springer, 06.09.2024) -
Adsorption of rare earth elements on a magnetic geopolymer derived from rice husk: studies in batch, column, and application in real phosphogypsum leachate sample
Environmental science and pollution research (Springer, 10.01.2024) -
Facile synthesis of SiOx/C as high-performance anodes for lithium-ion batteries
Chemical physics letters (Elsevier, 03.06.2024) -
Sequential decision problems : applications in energy economics
Acta Universitatis Ouluensis. Series G, Oeconomica : 146 (Oulun yliopisto, 18.09.2024) -
Uptake the rare earth elements Nd, Ce, and La by a commercial diatomite: kinetics, equilibrium, thermodynamic and adsorption mechanism
Journal of molecular liquids (Elsevier, 18.08.2023) -
DIN: A Decentralized Inexact Newton Algorithm for Consensus Optimization
IEEE transactions on machine learning in communications and networking (IEEE, 16.05.2024) -
Space-confined growth of two-dimensional manganese oxide nanosheets in plant-cell structures for efficient tetracycline degradation
Materials today communications (Elsevier, 07.06.2024) -
Maternal sex-hormone exposure and the risk of eating disorders in daughters
Psychiatry research (Elsevier, 05.09.2024) -
Oikeudenmukaisuuden maantiede: individuaatio, transformaatio ja perustuslaillinen lakimaisema
Nordia geographical publications : 53: 3 (Pohjois-Suomen Maantieteellinen Seura, 30.08.2024)