Leaky coaxial cable with enhanced radiation performance for indoor communication systems
Siddiqui, Zeeshan; Sonkki, Marko; Tuhkala, Marko; Myllymäki, Sami (2019-10-21)
Z. Siddiqui, M. Sonkki, M. Tuhkala and S. Myllymäki, "Leaky Coaxial Cable with Enhanced Radiation Performance for Indoor Communication Systems," 2019 16th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), Oulu, Finland, 2019, pp. 724-727. doi: 10.1109/ISWCS.2019.8877317
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In this paper, a novel method to selectively enhance the radiation performance of coupled mode leaky coaxial cable (LCX) is proposed. The LCX’s jacket is printed by periodically spaced metallic stripes, which partially converts the bounded monofilar mode into a radiating mode. This adds to the leaked bifilar mode, enhancing the radiation performance of the leaky cable. It is shown that the coupling loss can be significantly decreased by the addition of periodic metallic stripes over the jacket. The radio coverage, at the desired locations of an indoor environment can be enhanced by adding the metallic stripes over the installed leaky coaxial cable.
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