Bootstrapping a lexicon for emotional arousal in software engineering
Mäntylä, Mika V.; Novielli, Nicole; Lanubile, Filippo; Claes, Maëlick; Kuutila, Miikka (2017-07-03)
M. V. Mäntylä, N. Novielli, F. Lanubile, M. Claes and M. Kuutila, "Bootstrapping a Lexicon for Emotional Arousal in Software Engineering," 2017 IEEE/ACM 14th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), Buenos Aires, 2017, pp. 198-202. doi: 10.1109/MSR.2017.47
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Emotional arousal increases activation and performance but may also lead to burnout in software development. We present the first version of a Software Engineering Arousal lexicon (SEA) that is specifically designed to address the problem of emotional arousal in the software developer ecosystem. SEA is built using a bootstrapping approach that combines word embedding model trained on issue-tracking data and manual scoring of items in the lexicon. We show that our lexicon is able to differentiate between issue priorities, which are a source of emotional activation and then act as a proxy for arousal. The best performance is obtained by combining SEA (428 words) with a previously created general purpose lexicon by Warriner et al. (13,915 words) and it achieves Cohen’s d effect sizes up to 0.5.
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