Viitteet 1-10 / 93
Ghrelin, obesity and type 2 diabetes : genetic, metabolic and epidemiological studies
(University of Oulu, 2009-03-24)
The association between polycystic ovary syndrome and early cardiovascular disease morbidity strengthens
(Oxford University Press, 2023-07-18)
Gender differences in thyroid function and obesity among finnish women and men : the FIN-D2D-study
(Open Access Text, 2016-12-07)
Ghrelin and atherosclerosis : human, experimental animal and cell culture studies
(University of Oulu, 2009-10-20)
Obesity represses CYP2R1, the vitamin D 25‐hydroxylase, in the liver and extrahepatic tissues
(John Wiley & Sons, 2020-11-11)
Examining trait compassion : the associations of compassion with job characteristics, sleep, and body composition
(Oulun yliopisto, 2024-05-03)
Gut microbiome insights for pediatric health using machine learning analyses
(Oulun yliopisto, 2024-06-07)