Valuation of Flexible Spectrum Licensing for Local 6 G with Varying Interference Levels
Basaure, Arturo; Yrjölä, Seppo; Matinmikko-Blue, Marja; Ahokangas, Petri (2024-08-19)
Basaure, Arturo
Yrjölä, Seppo
Matinmikko-Blue, Marja
Ahokangas, Petri
A. Basaure, S. Yrjölä, M. Matinmikko-Blue and P. Ahokangas, "Valuation of Flexible Spectrum Licensing for Local 6 G with Varying Interference Levels," 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN), Washington, DC, USA, 2024, pp. 294-300, doi: 10.1109/DySPAN60163.2024.10632752.
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This paper claims the need for introducing more flexibility to licensing conditions for local 6 G networks, which considers varying levels of interference levels and related spectrum valuation. First, we discuss existing spectrum access models and approaches for the valuation of local licensing. Then, building on the pluralistic licensing concept, we claim that introducing spectrum valuation based on interference level coordination could achieve an efficient spectrum assignment. Such an assignment requires coordination, and it is especially suitable for local spectrum licensing, involving both horizontal and vertical spectrum sharing, since the limited number of spectrum license holders makes it easier to coordinate interference.
This paper claims the need for introducing more flexibility to licensing conditions for local 6 G networks, which considers varying levels of interference levels and related spectrum valuation. First, we discuss existing spectrum access models and approaches for the valuation of local licensing. Then, building on the pluralistic licensing concept, we claim that introducing spectrum valuation based on interference level coordination could achieve an efficient spectrum assignment. Such an assignment requires coordination, and it is especially suitable for local spectrum licensing, involving both horizontal and vertical spectrum sharing, since the limited number of spectrum license holders makes it easier to coordinate interference.
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