Stochastic Geometry Analysis of URLLC Services in Dual Connectivity THz-mmWave Heterogeneous Networks
Ataeebojd, Elaheh; Rasti, Mehdi; Latva-Aho, Matti (2024-07-03)
Ataeebojd, Elaheh
Rasti, Mehdi
Latva-Aho, Matti
E. Ataeebojd, M. Rasti and M. Latva-Aho, "Stochastic Geometry Analysis of URLLC Services in Dual Connectivity THz-mmWave Heterogeneous Networks," 2024 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2024, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/WCNC57260.2024.10571240
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The terahertz (THz) communication is a key enabler for 6G applications such as ultra-reliable and low-latency communications (URLLCs), as it can provide sufficient spectrum resources for a high data rate and low latency. However, THz communications have poor penetrability with limited coverage. To address this issue, we consider a dual connectivity THz and millimeter-wave (mmWave) heterogeneous network, where mmWave base stations (BSs) and THz BSs are distributed based on a Poisson point process and a Thomas cluster process, respectively, which results in the THz BSs being clustered around the mmWave BSs. This captures the inter-tier spatial dependency and leverages the benefits of both mm Wave and THz links. Employing stochastic geometry, we derive expressions for the reliability probability of URLLC users and the link selection probability for a dual connectivity THz and mm Wave heteroge-neous network. The numerical results validate our analysis with simulation and demonstrate the impact of the maximum delay threshold requirement for URLLC users, density of THz BSs, and molecular absorption noise on the network performance.
The terahertz (THz) communication is a key enabler for 6G applications such as ultra-reliable and low-latency communications (URLLCs), as it can provide sufficient spectrum resources for a high data rate and low latency. However, THz communications have poor penetrability with limited coverage. To address this issue, we consider a dual connectivity THz and millimeter-wave (mmWave) heterogeneous network, where mmWave base stations (BSs) and THz BSs are distributed based on a Poisson point process and a Thomas cluster process, respectively, which results in the THz BSs being clustered around the mmWave BSs. This captures the inter-tier spatial dependency and leverages the benefits of both mm Wave and THz links. Employing stochastic geometry, we derive expressions for the reliability probability of URLLC users and the link selection probability for a dual connectivity THz and mm Wave heteroge-neous network. The numerical results validate our analysis with simulation and demonstrate the impact of the maximum delay threshold requirement for URLLC users, density of THz BSs, and molecular absorption noise on the network performance.
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