Application of geomechanical properties and energy parameters of rocks in sustainable mining and mineral processing
Ozoji, Toochukwu Malachi (2024-09-17)
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Geomechanical properties comprise geological and mechanical parameters that influence rock response to stress and energy transformation at varying rates. In the fields of rock mechanics, geotechnical and civil engineering, geomechanical properties of rocks are useful in design, implementation, and evaluation of sustainable engineering infrastructures. Geomechanical properties also influence the breakage characteristics of rocks at varying stress and energy rates, with potential applications in mineral processing (impact comminution). However, applications of geomechanical properties in improving sustainability of engineering infrastructures and mineral liberation during impact comminution has not been fully explored. The aim of this dissertation is to investigate relations between geomechanical properties, energy transformation, fragmentation characteristics and possible applications of forementioned relations in sustainable mining and mineral processing. To achieve this, experimentation and artificial intelligence were applied in predicting forementioned relations at varying rates. Based on study findings, empirical models, and guidance charts for estimating geomechanical properties, energy transformation and breakage characteristics of rocks were proposed. Findings from this study are useful in improving sustainability of mining and mineral processing applications which are dependent on geomechanical properties of rocks.
Geomekaaniset ominaisuudet koostuvat geologisista ja mekaanisista parametreista, jotka vaikuttavat kallion vasteeseen jännitykseen ja energian muuntumiseen vaihtelevilla nopeuksilla. Kalliomekaniikan, geotekniikan ja maa- ja vesirakentamisen aloilla kivien geomekaaniset ominaisuudet ovat hyödyllisiä kestävien teknisten infrastruktuurien suunnittelussa, toteutuksessa ja arvioinnissa. Geomekaaniset ominaisuudet vaikuttavat myös kivien rikkoutumisominaisuuksiin vaihtelevilla jännityksillä ja energianopeuksilla, ja niillä on potentiaalisia sovelluksia mineraalien käsittelyssä (iskujen hienonnus). Geomekaanisten ominaisuuksien sovelluksia teknisten infrastruktuurien kestävyyden parantamisessa ja mineraalien vapautumisessa iskun hienonnuksen aikana ei kuitenkaan ole täysin tutkittu. Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena on tutkia geomekaanisten ominaisuuksien, energian muuntumisen, pirstoutumisominaisuuksien ja edellä mainittujen suhteiden mahdollisia sovelluksia kestävässä kaivostoiminnassa ja mineraalien käsittelyssä. Tämän saavuttamiseksi kokeilua ja tekoälyä hyödynnettiin edellä mainittujen suhteiden ennustamisessa vaihtelevalla nopeudella. Tutkimustulosten perusteella ehdotettiin empiirisiä malleja ja ohjekaavioita kivien geomekaanisten ominaisuuksien, energian muuntumisen ja rikkoutumisominaisuuksien arvioimiseksi. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset ovat hyödyllisiä kivien geomekaanisista ominaisuuksista riippuvaisten kaivos- ja mineraalienkäsittelysovellusten kestävyyden parantamisessa.
Original papers
Ozoji, T., Zhang, Z.-X., Adeyemi, A., Qiao, Y., & Chi, L.-Y. (2023). Effect of characteristic impedance in estimating specific energy and average fragment size at high strain rates of some peridotitic rock materials at laboratory scale. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 56(8), 5693–5704.
Ozoji, T. M., Zhang, Z.-X., Aladejare, A. E., Chi, L.-Y., & Adegbe, C. (2024). Experimental investigation on the role of characteristic impedance in reducing ore-loss and energy wastage during impact comminution. Manuscript in preparation.
Ozoji, T. M., Zhang, Z.-X., Aladejare, A. E., Serasinghe, B. K., Bakkamuntala, N., Obaje, N. G., & Umar, M. U. (2024). Laboratory investigation on relations between characteristic impedance, energy transformation and dynamic stress induced faults in rocks. 58th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-2024-0825.
Ozoji, T. M., Zhang, Z.-X., Aladejare, A. E., Zhang, N., Paasovaara, N., & Arrieta, M. R. (2024). Effect of strain rate on specific fracture energy and micro-fracture surface properties of rock specimen under dynamic uniaxial compression. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 295, 109763.
Ozoji, T. M., Zhang, Z.-X., Aladejare, A. E., Zhou, S., Liu, H. (2024). Guidance charts and empirical models for indirect estimation of dissipated energy from laboratory scale rock breakage under dynamic uniaxial compression. Manuscript in preparation.
Ozoji, T. M., Zhang, Z. X., Aladejare, A. E., Zhang, N., & Guan, X. (2023). An investigation on relations between dissipated energy and dynamic compressive strength of Kemi-peridotite at high strain rates. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1124(1), 012078.
Aladejare, A. E., Alofe, E. D., Onifade, M., Lawal, A. I., Ozoji, T. M., & Zhang, Z.-X. (2021). Empirical estimation of uniaxial compressive strength of rock: Database of simple, multiple, and artificial intelligence-based regressions. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 39(6), 4427–4455.
Aladejare, A. E., Malachi Ozoji, T., Adebayo Idris, M., Lawal, A. I., & Onifade, M. (2022). Empirical estimation of rock mass deformation modulus of rocks: Comparison of intact rock properties and rock mass classifications as inputs. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 15(11), 1033.
Aladejare, A. E., Ozoji, T., Lawal, A. I., & Zhang, Z. (2022). Soft computing-based models for predicting the characteristic impedance of igneous rock from their physico-mechanical properties. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 55(7), 4291–4304.
Aladejare, A. E., Idowu, K. A., & Ozoji, T. (2024). Reliability of Monte Carlo simulation approach for estimating uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock. Earth Science Informatics, 17(3), 2043–2053.
Ozoji, T., Zhang, Z.-X., Adeyemi, A., Qiao, Y., & Chi, L.-Y. (2023). Effect of characteristic impedance in estimating specific energy and average fragment size at high strain rates of some peridotitic rock materials at laboratory scale. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 56(8), 5693–5704.
Ozoji, T. M., Zhang, Z.-X., Aladejare, A. E., Chi, L.-Y., & Adegbe, C. (2024). Experimental investigation on the role of characteristic impedance in reducing ore-loss and energy wastage during impact comminution. Manuscript in preparation.
Ozoji, T. M., Zhang, Z.-X., Aladejare, A. E., Serasinghe, B. K., Bakkamuntala, N., Obaje, N. G., & Umar, M. U. (2024). Laboratory investigation on relations between characteristic impedance, energy transformation and dynamic stress induced faults in rocks. 58th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-2024-0825.
Ozoji, T. M., Zhang, Z.-X., Aladejare, A. E., Zhang, N., Paasovaara, N., & Arrieta, M. R. (2024). Effect of strain rate on specific fracture energy and micro-fracture surface properties of rock specimen under dynamic uniaxial compression. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 295, 109763.
Ozoji, T. M., Zhang, Z.-X., Aladejare, A. E., Zhou, S., Liu, H. (2024). Guidance charts and empirical models for indirect estimation of dissipated energy from laboratory scale rock breakage under dynamic uniaxial compression. Manuscript in preparation.
Ozoji, T. M., Zhang, Z. X., Aladejare, A. E., Zhang, N., & Guan, X. (2023). An investigation on relations between dissipated energy and dynamic compressive strength of Kemi-peridotite at high strain rates. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1124(1), 012078.
Aladejare, A. E., Alofe, E. D., Onifade, M., Lawal, A. I., Ozoji, T. M., & Zhang, Z.-X. (2021). Empirical estimation of uniaxial compressive strength of rock: Database of simple, multiple, and artificial intelligence-based regressions. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 39(6), 4427–4455.
Aladejare, A. E., Malachi Ozoji, T., Adebayo Idris, M., Lawal, A. I., & Onifade, M. (2022). Empirical estimation of rock mass deformation modulus of rocks: Comparison of intact rock properties and rock mass classifications as inputs. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 15(11), 1033.
Aladejare, A. E., Ozoji, T., Lawal, A. I., & Zhang, Z. (2022). Soft computing-based models for predicting the characteristic impedance of igneous rock from their physico-mechanical properties. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 55(7), 4291–4304.
Aladejare, A. E., Idowu, K. A., & Ozoji, T. (2024). Reliability of Monte Carlo simulation approach for estimating uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock. Earth Science Informatics, 17(3), 2043–2053.
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