Mitigating SAR Out-of-distribution Overconfidence based on Evidential Uncertainty
Zhou, Xiaoyan; Tang, Tao; Sun, Zhongzhen; Kuang, Gangyao; Heikkilä, Janne; Liu, Li (2024-08-14)
Zhou, Xiaoyan
Tang, Tao
Sun, Zhongzhen
Kuang, Gangyao
Heikkilä, Janne
Liu, Li
X. Zhou, T. Tang, Z. Sun, G. Kuang, J. Heikkilä and L. Liu, "Mitigating SAR Out-of-distribution Overconfidence based on Evidential Uncertainty," in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2024.3443330.
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Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) is extensively applied in both military and civilian sectors. Nevertheless, test and training data distribution may differ in the open world. Therefore, SAR Out-of-Distribution (OOD) detection is important because it enhances the reliability and adaptability of SAR systems. However, most OOD detection models are based on maximum likelihood estimation and overlook the impact of data uncertainty, leading to overconfidence output for both in-distribution (ID) and OOD data. To address this issue, we consider the effect of data uncertainty on prediction probabilities, treating these probabilities as random variables and modeling them using Dirichlet distribution. Building on this, we propose an Evidential Uncertainty aware Mean Squared Error (UMSE) loss function to guide the model in learning highly distinguishable output between ID and OOD data. Furthermore, to comprehensively evaluate OOD detection performance, we have compiled and organized some publicly available data and constructed a new SAR OOD detection dataset named SAR OOD. Experimental results on SAR-OOD demonstrate that the UMSE approach achieves state-of-the-art performance. The code and data are available at:
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) is extensively applied in both military and civilian sectors. Nevertheless, test and training data distribution may differ in the open world. Therefore, SAR Out-of-Distribution (OOD) detection is important because it enhances the reliability and adaptability of SAR systems. However, most OOD detection models are based on maximum likelihood estimation and overlook the impact of data uncertainty, leading to overconfidence output for both in-distribution (ID) and OOD data. To address this issue, we consider the effect of data uncertainty on prediction probabilities, treating these probabilities as random variables and modeling them using Dirichlet distribution. Building on this, we propose an Evidential Uncertainty aware Mean Squared Error (UMSE) loss function to guide the model in learning highly distinguishable output between ID and OOD data. Furthermore, to comprehensively evaluate OOD detection performance, we have compiled and organized some publicly available data and constructed a new SAR OOD detection dataset named SAR OOD. Experimental results on SAR-OOD demonstrate that the UMSE approach achieves state-of-the-art performance. The code and data are available at:
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