A Simplified Method for Designing Highly-Efficient Reflective Metasurfaces With Wide Steering Angles
Kong, Di; Phan, Tung Duy; Palosaari, Jaakko; Juuti, Jari; Pärssinen, Aarno; Soh, Ping Jack (2024-08-06)
Kong, Di
Phan, Tung Duy
Palosaari, Jaakko
Juuti, Jari
Pärssinen, Aarno
Soh, Ping Jack
D. Kong, T. D. Phan, J. Palosaari, J. Juuti, A. Pärssinen and P. J. Soh, "A Simplified Method for Designing Highly-Efficient Reflective Metasurfaces With Wide Steering Angles," in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, doi: 10.1109/LAWP.2024.3439328
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Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) are envisioned as a key enabler in the sub-Terahertz (sub-THz) 6 G bands to overcome the limited coverage and range, with the goal of creating a smart radio environment. However, conventional RISs are limited in terms of efficiency ( <50% ) and steering angles ( <50∘ ). While highly efficient perfect anomalous reflector (PAR) has been recently introduced, its design and optimization process, which relies on impedance matching, require complex analyses and/or resource-intensive optimization. This work presents a simplified approach to design such PAR-based metasurfaces, aimed at achieving their reflection efficiency. As a case study, a set of sub-THz reflective surfaces with varying steering angles is designed using this approach, prior to its fabrication and experimental evaluations. From the results, it is observed that the simulation results are in good agreement with measurements, with reflection efficiencies of at least 84% when steered at wide angles of up to 68 ∘ . This method offers a highly efficient design procedure compared to conventional approaches, especially at broad steering angles.
Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) are envisioned as a key enabler in the sub-Terahertz (sub-THz) 6 G bands to overcome the limited coverage and range, with the goal of creating a smart radio environment. However, conventional RISs are limited in terms of efficiency ( <50% ) and steering angles ( <50∘ ). While highly efficient perfect anomalous reflector (PAR) has been recently introduced, its design and optimization process, which relies on impedance matching, require complex analyses and/or resource-intensive optimization. This work presents a simplified approach to design such PAR-based metasurfaces, aimed at achieving their reflection efficiency. As a case study, a set of sub-THz reflective surfaces with varying steering angles is designed using this approach, prior to its fabrication and experimental evaluations. From the results, it is observed that the simulation results are in good agreement with measurements, with reflection efficiencies of at least 84% when steered at wide angles of up to 68 ∘ . This method offers a highly efficient design procedure compared to conventional approaches, especially at broad steering angles.
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