Remote leadership in Finnish E-commerce companies during and after the Covid-19 pandemic
Haatainen, Teemu (2024-06-10)
Haatainen, Teemu
T. Haatainen
© 2024 Teemu Haatainen. Ellei toisin mainita, uudelleenkäyttö on sallittu Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0) -lisenssillä ( Uudelleenkäyttö on sallittua edellyttäen, että lähde mainitaan asianmukaisesti ja mahdolliset muutokset merkitään. Sellaisten osien käyttö tai jäljentäminen, jotka eivät ole tekijän tai tekijöiden omaisuutta, saattaa edellyttää lupaa suoraan asianomaisilta oikeudenhaltijoilta.
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The global lockdowns and social distancing measures sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic have left an indelible mark on organizations worldwide, forcing rapid and radical changes throughout the organizational landscape. This study uncovers the repercussions of the sudden and radical changes of the pandemic on the leadership practices of Finnish e-commerce companies during and after the pandemic, and it aims to find out whether and how leadership practices have changed during the pandemic, and whether they have increased or decreased organizational performance.
In the theoretical segment, key leadership theories are thoroughly examined, and a clear distinction is drawn between leadership and management, with a rationale provided for focusing on leadership in this study. Particular emphasis is placed on the four different leadership theories outlined by Northouse in his book, of which especially the transformational leadership theory serves as the theoretical cornerstone of this research.
The subsequent empirical research section integrates the gathered literature with the primary data collection phase, wherein multiple leaders within the industry at various levels are interviewed to gain insight into leadership practices and how they have evolved before, during and after the pandemic. Remote and hybrid working and their impact on leadership are closely examined, with a specific emphasis on the practical aspects of leadership and the dynamics of daily interaction and communication between leaders and their followers.
Given the qualitative nature of the research topic, which concerns the change in leadership practices, quantitative research methods are unsuitable. Therefore, the research adopts a qualitative approach, employing semi-structured interviews to allow participants to articulate their experiences within a guided framework, while also allowing for open discussion and further delving into topics of interest.
The results of this thesis highlight the changes in leadership practices, and the study uncovers key areas of focus for leaders to enhance performance, motivation, and employee retention during turbulent times. Clear communication and constant feedback, choosing the right tools and technologies, fostering a culture of freedom balanced with accountability, and soft leadership skills become increasingly important for leaders in a remote setting, and the study shows that the pandemic left a lasting change, thus leading to the actionable remote leadership model of this thesis.
In the theoretical segment, key leadership theories are thoroughly examined, and a clear distinction is drawn between leadership and management, with a rationale provided for focusing on leadership in this study. Particular emphasis is placed on the four different leadership theories outlined by Northouse in his book, of which especially the transformational leadership theory serves as the theoretical cornerstone of this research.
The subsequent empirical research section integrates the gathered literature with the primary data collection phase, wherein multiple leaders within the industry at various levels are interviewed to gain insight into leadership practices and how they have evolved before, during and after the pandemic. Remote and hybrid working and their impact on leadership are closely examined, with a specific emphasis on the practical aspects of leadership and the dynamics of daily interaction and communication between leaders and their followers.
Given the qualitative nature of the research topic, which concerns the change in leadership practices, quantitative research methods are unsuitable. Therefore, the research adopts a qualitative approach, employing semi-structured interviews to allow participants to articulate their experiences within a guided framework, while also allowing for open discussion and further delving into topics of interest.
The results of this thesis highlight the changes in leadership practices, and the study uncovers key areas of focus for leaders to enhance performance, motivation, and employee retention during turbulent times. Clear communication and constant feedback, choosing the right tools and technologies, fostering a culture of freedom balanced with accountability, and soft leadership skills become increasingly important for leaders in a remote setting, and the study shows that the pandemic left a lasting change, thus leading to the actionable remote leadership model of this thesis.
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