Multiplexing eMBB and mMTC Services over Aerial Visible Light Communications
Zarini, Hosein; Maleki, Mohammad Reza; Gholipoor, Narges; Mili, Mohammad Robat; Rasti, Mehdi; Movaghar, Ali; Kwan Ng, Derrik Wing; Hossain, Ekram (2023-10-23)
Zarini, Hosein
Maleki, Mohammad Reza
Gholipoor, Narges
Mili, Mohammad Robat
Rasti, Mehdi
Movaghar, Ali
Kwan Ng, Derrik Wing
Hossain, Ekram
H. Zarini et al., "Multiplexing eMBB and mMTC Services over Aerial Visible Light Communications," ICC 2023 - IEEE International Conference on Communications, Rome, Italy, 2023, pp. 2655-2661, doi: 10.1109/ICC45041.2023.10279143
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Downlink transmission of non-orthogonal multiple access visible light communication systems empowered by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is considered for multiplexing enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) and massive machine type communication (mMTC) services. Accordingly, a resource allocation problem of joint transmit power control and motion trajectory design of the DAVs is formulated, whose goal is to characterize a multi-objective trade-off as a weighted sum of the UAVs' power consumption and the perceived quality-of-experience (QoE) of eMBB users, while ensuring the eMBB and mMTC service-specific requirements. We leverage an alternative decomposition and tools from convex optimization and actorcritic multi-agent deep reinforcement learning to address this problem in an iterative fashion. We analytically derive the upper-and lower-bounds on the reward of the DAVs as the learning agents and demonstrate that the proposed resource allocation method outperforms the similar scheme in literature, by up to 17% average reduced power consumption, as well as 12% average perceived QoE gain.
Downlink transmission of non-orthogonal multiple access visible light communication systems empowered by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is considered for multiplexing enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) and massive machine type communication (mMTC) services. Accordingly, a resource allocation problem of joint transmit power control and motion trajectory design of the DAVs is formulated, whose goal is to characterize a multi-objective trade-off as a weighted sum of the UAVs' power consumption and the perceived quality-of-experience (QoE) of eMBB users, while ensuring the eMBB and mMTC service-specific requirements. We leverage an alternative decomposition and tools from convex optimization and actorcritic multi-agent deep reinforcement learning to address this problem in an iterative fashion. We analytically derive the upper-and lower-bounds on the reward of the DAVs as the learning agents and demonstrate that the proposed resource allocation method outperforms the similar scheme in literature, by up to 17% average reduced power consumption, as well as 12% average perceived QoE gain.
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