Optical CMOS Transceiver with 8×32 SPAD Array, 32 TDCs and Laser Diode Driver for Wearable Time-Domain Diffuse Optics Applications
Nissinen, Jan; Pakaslahti, Marko; Leikanger, Tore; Hakkinen, Juha; Huikari, Jaakko; Nissinen, Ilkka (2023-11-28)
Nissinen, Jan
Pakaslahti, Marko
Leikanger, Tore
Hakkinen, Juha
Huikari, Jaakko
Nissinen, Ilkka
J. Nissinen, M. Pakaslahti, T. Leikanger, J. Häkkinen, J. Huikari and I. Nissinen, "Optical CMOS Transceiver with 8×32 SPAD Array, 32 TDCs and Laser Diode Driver for Wearable Time-Domain Diffuse Optics Applications," 2023 IEEE SENSORS, Vienna, Austria, 2023, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/SENSORS56945.2023.10325209
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A single-chip optical transceiver for wearable time-domain diffuse optics healthcare applications has been fabricated in 150 nm CMOS technology. The chip includes an 8×32 single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) array with 32 time-to-digital converters (TDC) with ~60 ps resolution and a laser diode driver which can produce short ~0.5 A current pulses at a repetition rate of 15 MHz. The measured instrument response function (IRF) of the transceiver was measured to be ~120 ps with a laser pulse width of 90 ps and a wavelength of 854 nm.
A single-chip optical transceiver for wearable time-domain diffuse optics healthcare applications has been fabricated in 150 nm CMOS technology. The chip includes an 8×32 single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) array with 32 time-to-digital converters (TDC) with ~60 ps resolution and a laser diode driver which can produce short ~0.5 A current pulses at a repetition rate of 15 MHz. The measured instrument response function (IRF) of the transceiver was measured to be ~120 ps with a laser pulse width of 90 ps and a wavelength of 854 nm.
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