CMOS Transceiver with Time-Gated 4×8 SPAD Array and Width-Controlled Laser Diode Pulser for Time-Domain Diffuse Optics Measurements
Pakaslahti, Marko; Nissinen, Ilkka; Nissinen, Jan (2023-11-28)
Pakaslahti, Marko
Nissinen, Ilkka
Nissinen, Jan
M. Pakaslahti, I. Nissinen and J. Nissinen, "CMOS Transceiver with Time-Gated 4×8 SPAD Array and Width-Controlled Laser Diode Pulser for Time-Domain Diffuse Optics Measurements," 2023 IEEE SENSORS, Vienna, Austria, 2023, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/SENSORS56945.2023.10325293
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A CMOS transceiver for time-domain diffuse optics measurements has been fabricated with 150 nm CMOS technology on a single die. The pulse width of a laser diode (LD) can be adjusted from 835 ps to 3 ns, with a resolution of ∼100 ps, for different types of LDs. The time-gated and time-resolved 4×8 SPAD array can be loaded to Geiger mode within less than 150 ps. The TDC can capture returning photons with a resolution of ∼52.46 ps, and the data is stored in 128 14-bit counters. The repetition rate can be up to 12.5 MHz. At a 1 Hz sample rate, with 1 000 000 pulses, the average power consumption of the transceiver was 25.76 mW, excluding the FPGA controller.
A CMOS transceiver for time-domain diffuse optics measurements has been fabricated with 150 nm CMOS technology on a single die. The pulse width of a laser diode (LD) can be adjusted from 835 ps to 3 ns, with a resolution of ∼100 ps, for different types of LDs. The time-gated and time-resolved 4×8 SPAD array can be loaded to Geiger mode within less than 150 ps. The TDC can capture returning photons with a resolution of ∼52.46 ps, and the data is stored in 128 14-bit counters. The repetition rate can be up to 12.5 MHz. At a 1 Hz sample rate, with 1 000 000 pulses, the average power consumption of the transceiver was 25.76 mW, excluding the FPGA controller.
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