RIS-Assisted Ad Hoc Edge for Optimal User Distribution in Service-Intensive Scenarios
Hou, Chenxuan; Wang, Chenyang; Dong, Kai; Wang, Xiaofei; Taleb, Tarik (2024-02-26)
Hou, Chenxuan
Wang, Chenyang
Dong, Kai
Wang, Xiaofei
Taleb, Tarik
C. Hou, C. Wang, K. Dong, X. Wang and T. Taleb, "RIS-Assisted Ad Hoc Edge for Optimal User Distribution in Service-Intensive Scenarios," GLOBECOM 2023 - 2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2023, pp. 1107-1112, doi: 10.1109/GLOBECOM54140.2023.10437707
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Massive device connections in upcoming 6G networks have led to a sharp increase in network traffic volume, posing significant challenges in providing reliable performance guarantees, e.g., low latency. The Computing Power Network (CPN) is a new framework for resource integration involving multiple parties. It integrates the resources of various owners via the network, providing users with efficient and adaptable services. Due to the uncertainty of the signal quality, the majority of existing studies do not adequately organize the topology of user allocation in CPNs when optimizing network resources. Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) is a new type of network node for constructing future smart radio environments with high spectral efficiency and nearly zero energy consumption that can offer new access options for user allocation in CPNs. In this paper, we investigate the user access allocation in a RIS-assisted Ad Hoc Edge (RAHE) scenario where the users are with service-intensive demands. To maximize the overall service tasks of the system constrained by a service time threshold, we propose a RIS-assisted interval scheduler strategy (RS 3 ) approach to balancing the whole system service completion and total latency. Specifically, RS 3 is a graph-theoretic optimization method based on the interval scheduling problem. The numerical simulation results demonstrate that our proposed RS 3 approach is superior to commonly utilized methods in terms of the number of serves given the service time constraint.
Massive device connections in upcoming 6G networks have led to a sharp increase in network traffic volume, posing significant challenges in providing reliable performance guarantees, e.g., low latency. The Computing Power Network (CPN) is a new framework for resource integration involving multiple parties. It integrates the resources of various owners via the network, providing users with efficient and adaptable services. Due to the uncertainty of the signal quality, the majority of existing studies do not adequately organize the topology of user allocation in CPNs when optimizing network resources. Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) is a new type of network node for constructing future smart radio environments with high spectral efficiency and nearly zero energy consumption that can offer new access options for user allocation in CPNs. In this paper, we investigate the user access allocation in a RIS-assisted Ad Hoc Edge (RAHE) scenario where the users are with service-intensive demands. To maximize the overall service tasks of the system constrained by a service time threshold, we propose a RIS-assisted interval scheduler strategy (RS 3 ) approach to balancing the whole system service completion and total latency. Specifically, RS 3 is a graph-theoretic optimization method based on the interval scheduling problem. The numerical simulation results demonstrate that our proposed RS 3 approach is superior to commonly utilized methods in terms of the number of serves given the service time constraint.
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