Characterisation of a D-Band Horn Antenna: Comparison of Near-Field and OTA Measurements
Husein, Asad; Rasilainen, Kimmo; Nevala, Klaus; Kallankari, Jani; Laukkanen, Sami; Niemitalo, Veli-Matti; Pärssinen, Aarno; Leinonen, Marko E. (2024-04-26)
Husein, Asad
Rasilainen, Kimmo
Nevala, Klaus
Kallankari, Jani
Laukkanen, Sami
Niemitalo, Veli-Matti
Pärssinen, Aarno
Leinonen, Marko E.
A. Husein et al., "Characterisation of a D-Band Horn Antenna: Comparison of Near-Field and OTA Measurements," 2024 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2024, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.23919/EuCAP60739.2024.10501356
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The small wavelength, typically in the range of millimeters to micrometers, makes characterisation of antennas at sub-THz band particularly challenging as it requires measurement systems to accurately capture the details of the antenna radiation patterns. Additionally, sub-THz signals experience significant free-space path loss, making it harder to measure radiation patterns accurately over reasonable distances. This paper presents the characterisation of a D-band (110–170 GHz) horn antenna having nominal gain of 25 dBi using both planar near-field and over-the-air far-field measurement techniques. The E-plane co-polar patterns are determined from both measurement techniques and compared to electromagnetic simulations. Analysis of measured results is carried out to illustrate the validation of the planar near-field and OTA measurement systems at sub-THz frequencies.
The small wavelength, typically in the range of millimeters to micrometers, makes characterisation of antennas at sub-THz band particularly challenging as it requires measurement systems to accurately capture the details of the antenna radiation patterns. Additionally, sub-THz signals experience significant free-space path loss, making it harder to measure radiation patterns accurately over reasonable distances. This paper presents the characterisation of a D-band (110–170 GHz) horn antenna having nominal gain of 25 dBi using both planar near-field and over-the-air far-field measurement techniques. The E-plane co-polar patterns are determined from both measurement techniques and compared to electromagnetic simulations. Analysis of measured results is carried out to illustrate the validation of the planar near-field and OTA measurement systems at sub-THz frequencies.
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