Flexible-Modal Face Anti-Spoofing: A Benchmark
Yu, Zitong; Liu, Ajian; Zhao, Chenxu; Cheng, Kevin H. M.; Cheng, Xu; Zhao, Guoying (2023-08-14)
Yu, Zitong
Liu, Ajian
Zhao, Chenxu
Cheng, Kevin H. M.
Cheng, Xu
Zhao, Guoying
Z. Yu, A. Liu, C. Zhao, K. H. M. Cheng, X. Cheng and G. Zhao, "Flexible-Modal Face Anti-Spoofing: A Benchmark," 2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2023, pp. 6346-6351, doi: 10.1109/CVPRW59228.2023.00675.
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Face anti-spoofing (FAS) plays a vital role in securing face recognition systems from presentation attacks. Benefitted from the maturing camera sensors, single-modal (RGB) and multi-modal (e.g., RGB+Depth) FAS has been applied in various scenarios with different configurations of sensors/modalities. Existing single- and multi-modal FAS methods usually separately train and deploy models for each possible modality scenario, which might be redundant and inefficient. Can we train a unified model, and flexibly deploy it under various modality scenarios? In this paper, we establish the first flexible-modal FAS benchmark with the principle ‘train one for all’. To be specific, with trained multi-modal (RGB+Depth+IR) FAS models, both intra- and cross-dataset testings are conducted on four flexible-modal sub-protocols (RGB, RGB+Depth, RGB+IR, and RGB+Depth+IR). We also investigate prevalent deep models and feature fusion strategies for flexible-modal FAS. We hope this new benchmark will facilitate the future research of the multi-modal FAS. The protocols and codes are available at https://github.com/ZitongYu/Flex-Modal-FAS.
Face anti-spoofing (FAS) plays a vital role in securing face recognition systems from presentation attacks. Benefitted from the maturing camera sensors, single-modal (RGB) and multi-modal (e.g., RGB+Depth) FAS has been applied in various scenarios with different configurations of sensors/modalities. Existing single- and multi-modal FAS methods usually separately train and deploy models for each possible modality scenario, which might be redundant and inefficient. Can we train a unified model, and flexibly deploy it under various modality scenarios? In this paper, we establish the first flexible-modal FAS benchmark with the principle ‘train one for all’. To be specific, with trained multi-modal (RGB+Depth+IR) FAS models, both intra- and cross-dataset testings are conducted on four flexible-modal sub-protocols (RGB, RGB+Depth, RGB+IR, and RGB+Depth+IR). We also investigate prevalent deep models and feature fusion strategies for flexible-modal FAS. We hope this new benchmark will facilitate the future research of the multi-modal FAS. The protocols and codes are available at https://github.com/ZitongYu/Flex-Modal-FAS.
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