A refined path generation pipeline for radio channel propagation modeling
Vaara, Niklas; Sangi, Pekka; Pyhtilä, Juha; Juntti, Markku; Heikkilä, Janne (2023-05-31)
N. Vaara, P. Sangi, J. Pyhtilä, M. Juntti and J. Heikkilä, "A Refined Path Generation Pipeline for Radio Channel Propagation Modeling," 2023 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Florence, Italy, 2023, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.23919/EuCAP57121.2023.10133739.
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Ray tracing is a widely used approach for deterministic modelling of radio channels. We present our path generation pipeline, which combines environment discretization-based propagation path search with path refinement, which outputs validated paths fulfilling the Fermat’s principle of the least time. We propose a novel gradient descent-based solution for refinement. Whole pipeline is implemented as GPU computations using NVIDIA CUDA and OptiX ray tracing engine, and experimental results show efficacy of the approach.
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