Functional human cell-based vascularised cardiac tissue model for biomedical research and testing
Koivisto, Maria; Tolvanen, Tuomas A.; Toimela, Tarja; Miinalainen, Ilkka; Kiviaho, Antti; Kesseli, Juha; Nykter, Matti; Eklund, Lauri; Heinonen, Tuula (2022-08-05)
Koivisto, M., Tolvanen, T.A., Toimela, T. et al. Functional human cell-based vascularised cardiac tissue model for biomedical research and testing. Sci Rep 12, 13459 (2022).
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Cardiomyocytes derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) are widely used in in vitro biomedical research and testing. However, fully matured, adult cardiomyocyte characteristics have not been achieved. To improve the maturity and physiological relevance of hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes, we co-cultured them with preconstructed vascular-like networks to form a functional, human cell-based cardiac tissue model. The morphology and gene expression profiles indicated advanced maturation in the cardiac tissue model compared to those of a cardiomyocyte monoculture. The cardiac tissue model’s functionality was confirmed by measuring the effects of 32 compounds with multielectrode array and comparing results to human data. Our model predicted the cardiac effects with a predictive accuracy of 91%, sensitivity of 90% and specificity of 100%. The correlation between the effective concentration (EC50) and the reported clinical plasma concentrations was 0.952 (R2 = 0.905). The developed advanced human cell-based cardiac tissue model showed characteristics and functionality of human cardiac tissue enabling accurate transferability of gained in vitro data to human settings. The model is standardized and thus, it would be highly useful in biomedical research and cardiotoxicity testing.
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