ADR-Lite : a low-complexity adaptive data rate scheme for the LoRa network
Serati, Reza; Teymuri, Benyamin; Anagnostopoulos, Nikolaos Athanasios; Rasti, Mehdi (2022-11-15)
R. Serati, B. Teymuri, N. A. Anagnostopoulos and M. Rasti, "ADR-Lite: A Low-Complexity Adaptive Data Rate Scheme for the LoRa Network," 2022 18th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), Thessaloniki, Greece, 2022, pp. 296-301, doi: 10.1109/WiMob55322.2022.9941614.
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The long-range and low energy consumption re-quirements in Internet of Things (IoT) applications have led to a new wireless communication technology known as Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWANs). In recent years, the Long Range (LoRa) protocol has gained a lot of attention as one of the most promising technologies in LPWAN. Choosing the right combination of transmission parameters is a major challenge in the LoRa networks. In LoRa, an Adaptive Data Rate (ADR) mechanism is executed to configure each End Device’s (ED) trans-mission parameters, resulting in improved performance metrics. In this paper, we propose a link-based ADR approach that aims to configure the transmission parameters of EDs by making a decision without taking into account the history of the last received packets, resulting in a relatively low space complexity approach. In this study, we present four different scenarios for assessing performance, including a scenario where mobile EDs are considered. Our simulation results show that in a mobile scenario with high channel noise, our proposed algorithm’s Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) is 2.8 times outperforming the original ADR and 1.35 times that of other relevant algorithms.
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