Toward holographic video communications : a promising AI-driven solution
Huang, Yakun; Zhu, Yuanwei; Qiao, Xiuquan; Su, Xiang; Dustdar, Schahram; Zhang, Ping (2022-10-10)
Y. Huang, Y. Zhu, X. Qiao, X. Su, S. Dustdar and P. Zhang, "Toward Holographic Video Communications: A Promising AI-Driven Solution," in IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 60, no. 11, pp. 82-88, November 2022, doi: 10.1109/MCOM.001.220021
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Real-time holographic video communications enable immersive experiences for next-generation video services in the future metaverse era. However, high-fidelity holographic videos require high bandwidth and significant computation resources, which exceed the transferring and computing capacity of 5G networks. This article reviews state-of-the-art holographic point cloud video transmission techniques and highlights the critical challenges of delivering such immersive services. We further implement a preliminary prototype of an AI-driven holographic video communication system and present critical experimental results to evaluate its performance. Finally, we identify future research directions and discuss potential solutions for providing real-time and high-quality holographic experiences.
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