Efficient dense-graph convolutional network with inductive prior augmentations for unsupervised micro-gesture recognition
Shah, Atif; Chen, Haoyu; Shi, Henglin; Zhao, Guoying (2022-11-29)
A. Shah, H. Chen, H. Shi and G. Zhao, "Efficient Dense-Graph Convolutional Network with Inductive Prior Augmentations for Unsupervised Micro-Gesture Recognition," 2022 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Montreal, QC, Canada, 2022, pp. 2686-2692, doi: 10.1109/ICPR56361.2022.9956565
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Skeleton-based action/gesture recognition has already witnessed excellent progress on processing large-scale, laboratory-based datasets with pre-defined skeleton joint topology. However, it’s still an unsolved task when it comes to real-world scenarios with practical limitations such as small-scaled dataset sizes, few-labeled samples, and various skeleton topologies. In this paper, we work on the recognition of micro-gestures, which are subtle body gestures collected in real-world scenarios. Specifically, we utilize contrastive learning to heritage the knowledge from known large-scale datasets for enhancing the learning on fewer samples of micro-gestures. To overcome the gap caused by various domain distributions and structure topologies between the datasets, we compute skeleton representations from augmented sequences via momentum-based efficient and scalable encoders as additional inductive priors. Importantly, we propose an effective dense-graph based unsupervised architecture that resorts to a queue-based dictionary to store positive and negative keys for better contrast with queries to learn substantially efficient and discriminant patterns in the feature space. Together with cross-dataset experimental results show that our model significantly improves the accuracies on two micro-gesture datasets, SMG by 7.4% and iMiGUE by 18.41% advocating its superiority.
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