Coverage enhancements using RIS-integrated NR
Tapio, Visa; Shojaeifard, Arman; Jagyasi, Deepa; Pirinen, Pekka; Juntti, Markku (2023-01-11)
V. Tapio, A. Shojaeifard, D. Jagyasi, P. Pirinen and M. Juntti, "Coverage Enhancements using RIS-Integrated NR," GLOBECOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2022, pp. 2358-2362, doi: 10.1109/GLOBECOM48099.2022.10001290.
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A reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) can be used to control the propagation of electromagnetic waves (EM). By deploying the RIS units in radio environment allows to steer the transmitted EM waves to areas that are otherwise shadowed by buildings or other geographic formations resulting in coverage enhancement. The gain offered by the RIS is due to its ability to focus the impinging signal to the desired direction. Hence, errors in the beamforming degrade the performance of a RIS-assisted link. The effect of the errors in the beamforming at the RIS are studied in this paper. Simulations show that the errors especially in the zenith angle can have significant effect on the uplink performance. With a RIS based on a 16 × 16 element reflect array errors greater than 1° start to limit the achievable throughput. After the RIS is configured based on the direction information, the user equipment must use a proper precoder to capitalize the benefit of the path via the RIS. The usability of existing precoders from the 5G NR are also studied in this paper. In the simulated use case, utilizing a RIS with 5G NR precoders resulted in 3.6 dB gain in the uplink direction.
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