Architectural languages in the microservice era : a systematic mapping study
Lelovic, Luka; Mathews, Michael; Elsayed, Amr; Cerny, Tomas; Frajtak, Karel; Tisnovsky, Pavel; Taibi, Davide (2022-10-20)
Luka Lelovic, Michael Mathews, Amr Elsayed, Tomas Cerny, Karel Frajtak, Pavel Tisnovsky, and Davide Taibi. 2022. Architectural Languages in the Microservice Era: A Systematic Mapping Study. In International Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (RACS ’22), October 3–6, 2022. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 8 pages.
© Owner/Author 2022. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in International Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (RACS ’22)
In modern software systems, Microservice Architecture (MSA) has gained popularity over monolithic design by providing the ability for flexible and independently upgradable services. Although there are considerable benefits that MSA provides, as new microservices are introduced into these MSA-based systems, they can become increasingly complex and hard to understand. Architectural languages are a potential solution to this problem because they can provide a comprehensive overview of system’s architecture as it changes. In this paper, the authors conduct a systematic mapping study to identify the architectural languages discussed in academia. In particular, the authors observe the architectural languages that have the capability of representing MSA-based systems. Through the use of a detailed query in 4 reliable indexers, a collection of 402 papers were filtered down to a small set of 19 relevant papers. This filtration was done based on a research paper inclusion criteria and a language inclusion criteria. With these papers, a total of 12 architectural languages were investigated for the representation of MSA-based systems.
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