Index coding algorithms : cooperative caching and delivery for F-RANs
Mostafa, Salwa; Sung, Chi Wan; Chan, Terence H.; Xu, Guangping (2022-07-29)
S. Mostafa, C. W. Sung, T. H. Chan and G. Xu, "Index Coding Algorithms: Cooperative Caching and Delivery for F-RANs," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 71, no. 11, pp. 12001-12015, Nov. 2022, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2022.3194976
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In a Fog Radio Access Network (F-RAN), fog access points (F-APs) are equipped with caches that can store popular files during off-peak hours. Besides, they are densely deployed to have overlapping radio coverage so that requested files can be delivered cooperatively using beamforming. The bottleneck of the network is typically in the bandwidth-limited wireless fronthaul, which connects a cloud server to the F-APs. This work studies index coding design for cooperative caching and delivery in F-RAN to minimize fronthaul traffic and transmit energy. Index coding algorithms are designed considering the cached content at the F-APs and the possibility of beamforming in the access network under coded and uncoded caching schemes. An optimal polynomial-time index coding algorithm for uncoded and repetition caching and an efficient heuristic for Maximum Distance Separable (MDS) coded caching are designed, and their superior performance is verified by simulations. The study is further extended to consider the tradeoff between the traffic load of the fronthaul link and the transmit energy consumed in the access network. At the expense of more fronthaul traffic, beamforming opportunities can be increased, significantly reducing energy consumption. Algorithms to achieve the tradeoff are crafted, and simulation results show that uncoded caching well balances the tradeoff.
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