Motivation in collaborative inquiry environments
Järvelä, Sanna; Järvenoja, Hanna; Muukkonen, Hanni (2021-06-30)
Järvelä, S., Järvenoja, H., & Muukkonen, H. (2021). Motivation in collaborative inquiry environments. In R. G. Duncan & C. A. Chinn (Eds.), International Handbook of Inquiry and Learning (pp. 157–173). Routledge.
© Taylor & Francis. This is an Accepted Manuscript of a book chapter published by Routledge in International Handbook of Inquiry and Learning on 30 June 2021, available online:
This chapter will focus on motivational effects on inquiry learning and their contribution to the learning outcomes. Two main themes are discussed: How does inquiry learning challenge or support students’ motivation to learn? If both pathways, challenging and supporting, occur, what settings and supports create a learning environment for motivating inquiries?Theoretical grounding is based on a perspective of motivation as a social phenomenon and the recent empirical findings on how inquiry-based learning environments challenge or support motivation. The chapter also discusses regulation of motivation and its role in overcoming socioemotional challenges in inquiry learning settings. Finally, suggestions for designing and supporting motivation in inquiry learning are provided and future trends and developments are discussed.
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