Environmentally friendly alternatives to reduce dust emission and salt use in the sand and stone production industry
Tonu, Tonmoy (2023-07-21)
Tonu, Tonmoy
T. Tonu
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This study investigated environmentally friendly alternatives to reduce dust emissions and salt use in the sand and stone production industry to mitigate groundwater contamination. A qualitative research methodology was employed, utilizing online questionnaires and focused group interviews to gather insights from industry experts, focusing on the current status of dust control in the aggregate industry, groundwater monitoring practices, and opinions on new environmental approaches. The survey findings revealed that salt mixed with water was the most commonly used method for dust control, followed by salt application and water spraying. Challenges identified included obtaining environmental permits, concerns over groundwater contamination, water shortage, and limited knowledge about alternative options. Regional variations were observed in the permitting processes; however, restrictions on the use of salt in the processes were common. Experts expressed concerns about nitrates, petroleum products, and heavy metals. Compliance with regulatory agencies and prompt actions in the event of groundwater contamination were emphasized. Water was widely acknowledged as an environmentally friendly component in dust control. The sand and stone production industry showed receptiveness to exploring environmentally friendly alternatives for dust control. Future research recommendations include evaluating the effects of salt usage, exploring environmentally beneficial alternatives, and improving high-pressure water-spreading systems in quarries.
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