Application software for laboratory-scale process test equipment
Kokkonen, Tommi (2015-05-18)
Kokkonen, Tommi
T. Kokkonen
© 2015 Tommi Kokkonen. Tämä Kohde on tekijänoikeuden ja/tai lähioikeuksien suojaama. Voit käyttää Kohdetta käyttöösi sovellettavan tekijänoikeutta ja lähioikeuksia koskevan lainsäädännön sallimilla tavoilla. Muunlaista käyttöä varten tarvitset oikeudenhaltijoiden luvan.
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The purpose of this study was to describe a construct of an application software designed to support laboratory test equipment for pyrolysis/coking process test equipment for the use at the Process Metallurgy Group (PMG) in the University of Oulu. The prior research in the fields of laboratory automation, usability in laboratory context, data gathering, operational safety and linking to larger laboratory IS, and a brief summary of design science research and it’s methodology were presented. The study described the context of the software development, including the Process Metallurgy Group in the University of Oulu; and pyrolysis and coking processes. The design and the development processes of the PYROLYSIS software were described, as was the evaluation of the software. A model of hardware virtualization, application-device communication and the UI design were presented. Finally, a tentative model for remote alert system via SMS was presented.
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