Instructions for authors
Rautio, Leena (1999-08-19)
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To the reader
These are the revised instructions (5th revised edition) for authors of manuscripts intended for publication in the series Acta Universitatis Ouluensis. The instructions apply for both dissertations and other papers published in the series. The instructions are also a model for the formatting of text in the series Acta Universitatis Ouluensis.
This booklet includes instructions on what to bear in mind during the writing of the manuscript (language supervision, word processing, typography, compilation of the list of references etc.). There are separate appendices explaining the use and listing of references. Instructions for the publishing of the paper (request for publication in the series, acceptance, printing and distribution) are also included, as well as a chapter on the cost of the publication and available grants.
Copies of the booklet are available from the faculty offices of the University of Oulu, the porters of the Administrative Department and the secretary to the Publication Committee.
Oulu, February 1997
Leena Rautio, Secretary to the Publication Committee
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