Polarization and terahertz imaging for functional characterization of biological tissues
Borovkova, Mariia (2021-04-09)
New methods for the functional characterization of biological tissues based on optical sensing and imaging techniques have been developed in recent decades. These advanced optical methods enable the quantitative scoring of tissue optical properties and give rise to the optical biopsy, which shows high potential for implementation in clinical practice in the near future.
The present thesis describes the methods for the functional characterization of biological tissues based on the polarized light of the visible range and terahertz radiation. The considered approaches, enhanced by methods of mathematical and statistical analysis, were applied to differentiate various conditions of biological tissues that affect their morphological structure and water content. Polarized light imaging techniques, in particular, Stokes vector polarimetry based on circularly polarized illumination and multi-wavelength Mueller matrix imaging, were used for the label-free analysis of changes in tissue depolarization and anisotropy characteristics caused by different conditions such as cancer, beta-amyloidosis, tissue stretching, and dystrophic changes of fibrillary structures. Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy was utilized to non-invasively monitor tissue dehydration in transmission- and reflection-based measurement configurations. The fundamentals of the considered methods of optical tissue characterization, their limitations, and recent advances are overviewed. The present work aims for the improvement of the considered optical imaging and characterization techniques, as well as for discovering their potential to achieve better diagnostic efficiency and for facilitating their transfer from the laboratory to clinical use.
Viime vuosikymmeninä biologisten kudosten toiminnalliseen karakterisointiin on kehitetty uusia menetelmiä, jotka perustuvat optisen tunnistamisen ja kuvantamisen tekniikoihin. Nämä kehittyneet optiset menetelmät mahdollistavat kudoksen optisten ominaisuuksien kvantitatiivisen pisteytyksen ja luovat siten pohjaa optiselle biopsialle, jolla on suuri potentiaali tulla kliiniseen käyttöön lähitulevaisuudessa.
Opinnäyte kuvaa näkyvän alueen polarisoituun valoon ja terahertsisäteilyyn perustuvat biologisten kudosten toiminnallisen karakterisoinnin menetelmät. Näitä valikoituja, matemaattisilla ja tilastollisilla analyysimenetelmillä tehostettuja lähestymistapoja sovellettiin erottelemaan biologisten kudosten morfologiseen rakenteeseen ja vesipitoisuuteen vaikuttavia erilaisia olotiloja. Polarisoitua valoa hyödyntäviä kuvantamistekniikoita, erityisesti pyöröpolarisoituun valaistukseen perustuvaa Stokes-vektoripolarimetriaa ja monen aallonpituuden Mueller-matriisikuvantamista, käytettiin kudosten depolarisaatio- ja anisotropiapiirteissä tapahtuneiden erilaisten muutosten, joita aiheuttava esimerkiksi syöpä, beta-amyloidoosin, kudosvenymä ja lihasrakenteiden rappeumamuutokset, nimeämättömään analysointiin. Aikatason terahertsispektroskopiaa käytettiin kudoksen kuivumisen kajoamattomaan seurantaan mittauskokoonpanoilla, jotka perustuvat sekä läpäisyyn että heijastukseen. Työssä luodaan yleiskuva valittujen optisten kudoksen karakterisointimenetelmien perusteista, rajoitteista ja viimeaikaisesta kehityksestä. Työ tähtää näiden optisten kuvantamis- ja karakterisointitekniikoiden parantamiseen sekä niiden uuden potentiaalin löytämiseen, jotta saavutetaan parempi diagnostinen tehokkuus ja helpotetaan tekniikoiden siirtymistä laboratoriosta kliiniseen käyttöön.
Original papers
Original papers are not included in the electronic version of the dissertation.
Borovkova, M. A., Bykov, A. V., Popov, A., & Meglinski, I. V. (2020). Role of scattering and birefringence in phase retardation revealed by locus of Stokes vector on Poincaré sphere. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 25(05), 1. https://doi.org/10.1117/1.jbo.25.5.057001
Borovkova, M., Bykov, A., Popov, A., & Meglinski, I. (2019). Influence of scattering and birefringence on the phase shift between electric field components of polarized light propagated through biological tissues. In A. Amelink & S. K. Nadkarni (Eds.), Novel Biophotonics Techniques and Applications V. SPIE. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2526394
Borovkova, M., Bykov, A., Popov, A., Pierangelo, A., Novikova, T., Pahnke, J., & Meglinski, I. (2020). Evaluating β-amyloidosis progression in Alzheimer’s disease with Mueller polarimetry. Biomedical Optics Express, 11(8), 4509. https://doi.org/10.1364/boe.396294
Borovkova, M. A., Bykov, A., Popov, A., Pierangelo, A., Novikova, T., Pahnke, J., & Meglinski, I. V. (2020). The use of Stokes-Mueller polarimetry for assessment of amyloid-β progression in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. In R. R. Alfano, S. G. Demos, & A. B. Seddon (Eds.), Optical Biopsy XVIII: Toward Real-Time Spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis. SPIE. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2550795
Borovkova, M., Peyvasteh, M., Dubolazov, O., Ushenko, Y., Ushenko, V., Bykov, A., Deby, S., Rehbinder, J., Novikova, T., & Meglinski, I. (2018). Complementary analysis of Mueller-matrix images of optically anisotropic highly scattering biological tissues. Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s41476-018-0085-9
Borovkova, M., Trifonyuk, L., Ushenko, V., Dubolazov, O., Vanchulyak, O., Bodnar, G., Ushenko, Y., Olar, O., Ushenko, O., Sakhnovskiy, M., Bykov, A., & Meglinski, I. (2019). Mueller-matrix-based polarization imaging and quantitative assessment of optically anisotropic polycrystalline networks. PLOS ONE, 14(5), e0214494. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0214494
Borovkova, M., Khodzitsky, M., Demchenko, P., Cherkasova, O., Popov, A., & Meglinski, I. (2018). Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy for non-invasive assessment of water content in biological samples. Biomedical Optics Express, 9(5), 2266. https://doi.org/10.1364/boe.9.002266
Osajulkaisut eivät sisälly väitöskirjan elektroniseen versioon.
Borovkova, M. A., Bykov, A. V., Popov, A., & Meglinski, I. V. (2020). Role of scattering and birefringence in phase retardation revealed by locus of Stokes vector on Poincaré sphere. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 25(05), 1. https://doi.org/10.1117/1.jbo.25.5.057001
Borovkova, M., Bykov, A., Popov, A., & Meglinski, I. (2019). Influence of scattering and birefringence on the phase shift between electric field components of polarized light propagated through biological tissues. In A. Amelink & S. K. Nadkarni (Eds.), Novel Biophotonics Techniques and Applications V. SPIE. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2526394
Borovkova, M., Bykov, A., Popov, A., Pierangelo, A., Novikova, T., Pahnke, J., & Meglinski, I. (2020). Evaluating β-amyloidosis progression in Alzheimer’s disease with Mueller polarimetry. Biomedical Optics Express, 11(8), 4509. https://doi.org/10.1364/boe.396294
Borovkova, M. A., Bykov, A., Popov, A., Pierangelo, A., Novikova, T., Pahnke, J., & Meglinski, I. V. (2020). The use of Stokes-Mueller polarimetry for assessment of amyloid-β progression in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. In R. R. Alfano, S. G. Demos, & A. B. Seddon (Eds.), Optical Biopsy XVIII: Toward Real-Time Spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis. SPIE. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2550795
Borovkova, M., Peyvasteh, M., Dubolazov, O., Ushenko, Y., Ushenko, V., Bykov, A., Deby, S., Rehbinder, J., Novikova, T., & Meglinski, I. (2018). Complementary analysis of Mueller-matrix images of optically anisotropic highly scattering biological tissues. Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s41476-018-0085-9
Borovkova, M., Trifonyuk, L., Ushenko, V., Dubolazov, O., Vanchulyak, O., Bodnar, G., Ushenko, Y., Olar, O., Ushenko, O., Sakhnovskiy, M., Bykov, A., & Meglinski, I. (2019). Mueller-matrix-based polarization imaging and quantitative assessment of optically anisotropic polycrystalline networks. PLOS ONE, 14(5), e0214494. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0214494
Borovkova, M., Khodzitsky, M., Demchenko, P., Cherkasova, O., Popov, A., & Meglinski, I. (2018). Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy for non-invasive assessment of water content in biological samples. Biomedical Optics Express, 9(5), 2266. https://doi.org/10.1364/boe.9.002266
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