Smart packet access and call admission control for efficient resource management in advanced wireless networks
Phan, Vinh V. (2005-04-12)
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Efficient management of rather limited resources, including radio spectrum and mobile-terminal battery power, has been the fundamental design challenge of wireless networks and one of the most widespread research problems over the years. MAC (Medium Access Control) for packet access and CAC (Call Admission Control) for connection-oriented service domains are commonly used as effective tools to manage radio resources, capacity and performance of wireless networks while providing adequate QoS (Quality of Service) to mobile users. Hence, analysis and synthesis of efficient MAC and CAC schemes for advanced wireless networks have significant academic and practical values. This dissertation addresses that topic and presents seven separate contributions of the author: four on adaptive MAC schemes for centralized PRN (Packet Radio Networks), referred to as SPA (Smart Packet Access) and three on CAC schemes for cellular networks, referred to as SCA (Smart Call Admission). These contributions are published in eighteen original papers by the author, which are listed and referred to as Papers I–XVIII in this thesis.
In SPA, the first contribution, reported in Papers II and IV, studies implementation losses of adaptive feedback-control MAC schemes for the uplink of DS-CDMA (Direct-Sequence Code Division Multiple Access) PRN in the presence of various system imperfections. The second contribution, reported in Papers XI, XII, XV and XVI, proposes a bit-rate adaptive MAC scheme for DS-CDMA PRN, referred to as SPR (Smart Packet Rate). The third contribution, reported in Papers III, XIII and XIV, develops two alternative MAC schemes with adaptive packet-length over correlated fading channels in DS-CDMA PRN, referred to as SPL (Smart Packet Length). The fourth contribution, reported in Papers XVII and XVIII, develops alternative adaptive MAC schemes for optimal trade-offs between throughput and energy consumption of TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) applications in advanced cellular networks. These include a so-called SPD (Smart Packet Dispatching) for HSPA (High Speed Packet Access) and, again, SPL for LSPA (Low Speed Packet Access).
Moving on to SCA, the first contribution, reported in Papers V and VII, provides a simple and accurate analytical method for performance evaluation of a class of fixed-assignment CAC schemes with generic guard-channel policy and queuing priority handoffs in cellular networks. The second contribution, reported in Papers VI, IX and X, proposes a simple and effective SCAC (Soft-decision CAC) scheme for CDMA cellular networks. This is evaluated against fixed-assignment and measurement-based CAC schemes with a simple and reliable method provided as a part of the contribution. The third contribution, reported in Papers I and VIII, incorporates alternative QoS differentiation paradigms and resource partitioning into CAC, defines GoS (Grade of Service) for multimedia cellular networks, and provides an in-hand tool for efficient capacity and GoS management.
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