Matematiikan ja luonnontieteiden opetuksen tutkimuspäivät Oulussa 25.–26.11.2004 : matemaattisten aineiden opettajan taitotieto—haaste vai mahdollisuus?
Jalonen, Lasse; Keranto, Tapio; Kaila, Kari (2005-11-11)
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This publication consists of the twenty reviewed papers presented at the XXII Annual Symposium of the Finnish Association of Mathematics and Science Education Research. The contributors represent universities in Estonia, Finland, Germany and Slovakia. Two plenary papers are followed by research papers on mathematics and science education in alphabetical order. One of the invited papers sheds light on the structure, mathematics contents and educational process of primary and secondary teacher education in Estonia. The other paper analyses the intuitive and formal aspects of mathematical knowledge and activity, illustrating their joint contribution to the formation of mathematical knowledge. Research articles on mathematics education analyse the prospective teachers’ views of mathematics, teaching experiences and reasoning skills, among other things. Other important topics include mathematical problem solving and concept formation in school mathematics. The articles on physics and chemistry teaching and learning are related to the problems of concept formation in certain contents in these subjects and to the various working methods and approaches in teaching them.
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