Investigating communications energy efficiency tradeoff between UAV users and small-cell users
Hashemi, Ramin; Mili, Mohammad Robat; Ali, Samad; Beyranvand, Hamzeh; Latva-aho, Matti (2021-10-22)
R. Hashemi, M. R. Mili, S. Ali, H. Beyranvand and M. Latva-Aho, "Investigating Communications Energy Efficiency Tradeoff Between UAV Users and Small-cell Users," 2021 IEEE 32nd Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2021, pp. 342-347, doi: 10.1109/PIMRC50174.2021.9569546
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In this paper, a novel method is proposed to study the tradeoff between energy efficiency (EE) of small-cell users and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) users in multi-cell orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA)-based networks. Contrary to the prior works that only maximize the EE of the UAV network subject to some constraints on transmit power of UAV users, we formulate a multi-objective optimization problem (MOOP) that jointly maximize the EE of small-cell and UAV users while guaranteeing the minimum rate for UAV users as well as maximum transmit powers for the corresponding small-cell and UAV BSs. The proposed MOOP is transformed into a single optimization problem (SOOP) by the weighted Tchebycheff approach. Then, an iterative technique is used to optimize alternatively subchannels and transmission powers of small-cell and UAV networks at each step. Numerical results show that a substantial performance gain can be obtained over the existing solutions.
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