Behaviour management problems in Finnish children with operated congenital heart disease : a practice-based study
Karhumaa, H.; Vähänikkilä, H.; Blomqvist, M.; Pätilä, T.; Anttonen, V. (2022-03-06)
Karhumaa, H., Vähänikkilä, H., Blomqvist, M. et al. Behaviour management problems in Finnish children with operated congenital heart disease: a practice-based study. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 23, 409–416 (2022).
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Purpose: This retrospective, practice-based study investigates behaviour management problems (BMPs) in dental care among Finnish children with operated congenital heart disease (CHD).
Methods: All the heart-operated children born between the years 1997 and 1999 were identified in the national ProCardio database (n = 570). Primary dental care records were requested from this population and were eventually received from 211 patients. Information on gender, diagnosis, number of heart operations and perioperative care were collected from the ProCardio database, and the CHDs were categorised as shunting/stenotic/complex/other defects. Data on BMP/dental fear, oral conscious sedation, dental general anaesthesia (DGA) and past and present caries indices at 6, 12 and 15 years (d/D, dmft/DMFT) were assessed.
Results: Notes on behaviour management problems or dental fear were found in 19% of the study population. BMPs in dental care were more frequent among boys. Children with re-operations, longer post-operative intensive care stay and hospitalisation, and complications had not more BMP than others. Those children diagnosed with syndromes had more BMP often than the rest. Past and present caries experience were significantly associated with BMP, need of oral conscious sedation and DGA. Oral conscious sedation, nitrogen oxide sedation and dental general anaesthesia were used in 17/211, 2/221 and 24/211 CHD patients, respectively.
Conclusions: Dental caries remains a main factor associated with BMP in the CHD population. Need for oral conscious sedation and DGA were rather common. To maintain a good oral health and to avoid development of BMP, CHD children benefit from focus in health promotion and preventive care.
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