Communication-efficient private information acquisition : multicasting via crowding
Seo, Hyowoon; Son, Kyungrak; Park, Sangjun; Choi, Wan (2021-05-25)
H. Seo, K. Son, S. Park and W. Choi, "Communication-Efficient Private Information Acquisition: Multicasting via Crowding," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 7, pp. 7199-7204, July 2021, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2021.3083603
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This paper focuses on the way to protect privacy of clients requesting datasets stored in data servers while keeping communication efficiency. To this end, we introduce a novel communication-efficient and privacy protecting framework termed crowded information acquisition (CIA), well suited to a large number of clients scenario. We investigate the CIA under various conditions addressing possible communication scenarios. Contrary to the conventional belief, the results claim that a large number of clients demanding private services can enhance the privacy protection while providing low latency services and generating a small amount of traffic.
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