Combined invariants to Gaussian blur and affine transformation
Kostková, Jitka; Flusser, Jan; Pedone, Matteo (2021-05-05)
J. Kostková, J. Flusser and M. Pedone, "Combined Invariants to Gaussian Blur and Affine Transformation," 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2021, pp. 459-464, doi: 10.1109/ICPR48806.2021.9412436
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The paper presents a new theory of combined moment invariants to Gaussian blur and spatial affine transformation. The blur kernel may be arbitrary oriented, scaled and elongated. No prior information about the kernel parameters and about the underlaying affine transform is required. The main idea, expressed by the Substitution Theorem, is to substitute pure blur invariants into traditional affine moment invariants. Potential applications of the new descriptors are in blur-invariant image recognition and in robust template matching.
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