Toward using reinforcement learning for trigger selection in network slice mobility
Addad, Rami Akrem; Dutra, Diego Leonel Cadette; Taleb, Tarik; Flinck, Hannu (2021-05-25)
R. A. Addad, D. L. C. Dutra, T. Taleb and H. Flinck, "Toward Using Reinforcement Learning for Trigger Selection in Network Slice Mobility," in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 39, no. 7, pp. 2241-2253, July 2021, doi: 10.1109/JSAC.2021.3078501
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Recent 5G trials have demonstrated the usefulness of the Network Slicing concept that delivers customizable services to new and under-serviced industry sectors. However, user mobility’s impact on the optimal resource allocation within and between slices deserves more attention. Slices and their dedicated resources should be offered where the services are to be consumed to minimize network latency and associated overheads and costs. Different mobility patterns lead to different resource re-allocation triggers, leading eventually to slice mobility when enough resources are to be migrated. The selection of the proper triggers for resource re-allocation and related slice mobility patterns is challenging due to triggers’ multiplicity and overlapping nature. In this paper, we investigate the applicability of two Deep Reinforcement Learning based algorithms for allowing a fine-grained selection of mobility triggers that may instantiate slice and resource mobility actions. While the first proposed algorithm relies on a value-based learning method, the second one exploits a hybrid approach to optimize the action selection process. We present an enhanced ETSI Network Function Virtualization edge computing architecture that incorporates the studied mechanisms to implement service and slice migration. We evaluate the proposed methods’ efficiency in a simulated environment and compare their performance in terms of training stability, learning time, and scalability. Finally, we identify and quantify the applicability aspects of the respective approaches.
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