Design of a 20–80 GHz down-conversion mixer for 5G wireless communication with 22nm CMOS
Hurskainen, Henri; Akbar, Rehman; Stadius, Kari; Pärssinen, Aarno (2020-05-13)
H. Hurskainen, R. Akbar, K. Stadius and A. Pärssinen, "Design of a 20–80 GHz Down-Conversion Mixer for 5G Wireless Communication with 22nm CMOS," 2020 2nd 6G Wireless Summit (6G SUMMIT), Levi, Finland, 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/6GSUMMIT49458.2020.9083850
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This paper proposes a 20 — 80 GHz RF double-balanced mixer utilizing a hybrid down-conversion scheme. To achieve the down-conversion over the entire range, two mixers are operating in double-down-conversion for fixed IF of 3 GHz and RF is divided into low-band 20—44GHz and high-band 44 — 80GHz. For the low-band, the first mixer is bypassed and the second mixer used for down-conversion. For the high-band, both mixers are used for down-conversion. This results in reducing the LO tuning range by over 50% as compared to a regular sliding IF scheme. The design is evaluated using simulations of the designed mixer in 22nm CMOS technology, achieving a conversion gain of over 5 dB throughout the RF bandwidth, a minimum IIP3 of 4.9 dBm and minimum noise figure of 5.1 dB.
- Avoin saatavuus [34939]