Preliminary study on the smartphone zombie phenomenon by utilising a monitoring application
Kashimoto, Yukitoshi; Hyry, Jaakko; Karppinen, Pasi; Oinas-Kukkonen, Harri; Taya, Masato; Ono, Chihiro (2020-04-21)
Kashimoto, Y., Hyry, J., Karppinen, P., Oinas-Kukkonen, H., Taya, M., Ono, C., Preliminary study on the smartphone zombie phenomenon by utilising a monitoring application, 8th International Workshop on Behavior Change Support Systems, BCSS 2020, 1613-0073, p. 1-12
© 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
Several studies exist on the dangers of using a smartphone while walking. Unfortunately, pedestrians often disregard the warnings either intentionally or by accident as their focus is on the phone and not fully on the surrounding environment or situation. In this paper, we present our preliminary work to study the correlation between smartphone zombie behaviour and individual’s psychological features, to reduce walking use. At first, in order to collect smartphone zombie behaviour from actual users, we have developed a monitoring application for smartphones. We asked seven subjects to install this application and continue living their lives normally for 15 days. For collecting the psychological features, we asked them to answer a profiling questionnaire.
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