Opportunities for two-color experiments in the soft X-ray regime at the European XFEL
Serkez, Svitozar; Decking, Winfried; Froehlich, Lars; Gerasimova, Natalia; Grünert, Jan; Guetg, Marc; Huttula, Marko; Karabekyan, Suren; Koch, Andreas; Kocharyan, Vitali; Kot, Yauhen; Kukk, Edwin; Laksman, Joakim; Lytaev, Pavel; Maltezopoulos, Theophilos; Mazza, Tommaso; Meyer, Michael; Saldin, Evgeni; Schneidmiller, Evgeny; Scholz, Matthias; Tomin, Sergey; Vannoni, Maurizio; Wohlenberg, Torsten; Yurkov, Mikhail; Zagorodnov, Igor; Geloni, Gianluca (2020-04-15)
Serkez, S., Decking, W., Froehlich, L., Gerasimova, N., Grünert, J., Guetg, M., … Geloni, G. (2020). Opportunities for Two-Color Experiments in the Soft X-ray Regime at the European XFEL. Applied Sciences, 10(8), 2728. doi:10.3390/app10082728
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X-ray pump/X-ray probe applications are made possible at X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) facilities by generating two X-ray pulses with different wavelengths and controllable temporal delay. In order to enable this capability at the European XFEL, an upgrade project to equip the soft X-ray SASE3 beamline with a magnetic chicane is underway. In the present paper we describe the status of the project, its scientific focus and expected performance, including start-to-end simulations of the photon beam transport up to the sample, as well as recent experimental results demonstrating two-color lasing at photon energies of 805 eV + 835 eV and 910 eV + 950 eV. Additionally, we discuss methods to analyze the spectral properties and the intensity of the generated radiation to provide on-line diagnostics for future user experiments.
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