Gender equality in STEM programs : a proposal to analyse the situation of a university about the gender gap
García-Holgado, Alicia; Mena, Juanjo; García-Peñalvo, Francisco José; Pascual, Jimena; Heikkinen, Mervi; Harmoinen, Sari; García-Ramos, Lucy; Peñabaena-Niebles, Rita; Amores, Lucía (2020-06-25)
A. García-Holgado et al., "Gender equality in STEM programs: a proposal to analyse the situation of a university about the gender gap," 2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Porto, Portugal, 2020, pp. 1824-1830, doi: 10.1109/EDUCON45650.2020.9125326
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According to the Global Gender Gap Report 2020, most of the countries have achieved gender parity in educational attainment. Furthermore, Latin America and Europe have more women than men enrolled in tertiary education. The problem arises when those numbers are analysed by degree studies. There is a gender gap in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), with a low number of women enrolled in those programs and even lower numbers of graduates. The universities have a key role to steer new conceptions and understanding of the females in STEM. The higher education institutions have to define measures and policies to reduce the gender gap in the careers of the future. This work aims to provide a proposal to analyse the gender equality gap in STEM as a first step to define gender equality action plans focused on processes of attraction, access and retention and guidance in STEM programs. The proposal was applied in ten Latin American universities from Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Mexico, and five European universities from Finland, Ireland, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom.
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