Hospitalisti kirurgisella vuodeosastolla : hyötyä saavutettavissa?
Laitakari, Kirsi; Koivukangas, Vesa; Wiik, Heikki (2019-03-15)
Laitakari, Kirsi, Koivukangas, Vesa, Wiik, Heikki (2019) Hospitalisti kirurgisella vuodeosastolla : hyötyä saavutettavissa? Lääkärilehti 74(11): 675-679.
© 2019 Lääkärilehti.
Hospitalisti on sairaalassa työskentelevä yhdyslääkäri, jolla on laaja näkemys potilaiden akuuttien ja pitkäaikaisten ongelmien hoidosta.
Hospitalistien määrä on lisääntynyt voimakkaasti mallin synnyinmaassa Yhdysvalloissa.
Malli tähtää hoidon laadun parantamiseen ja jatkuvuuden turvaamiseen.
Suomessa mallia on pilotoitu Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa. Alalle aikoville on tarjolla lisäkoulutusohjelma.
A hospitalist is a clinician in hospital medicine who specializes in managing a patient’s acute hospital care. This discipline grew in the USA out of the increasing complexity of patients requiring hospital care and the need for dedicated clinicians to oversee their management. During the last two decades the number of hospitalists in the USA has reached 50 000.
The two largest review articles show that both hospital stay and costs diminished with no decline in the quality of care when the hospitalist concept was used.
We conducted a pilot study concerning the use of hospitalists on a surgical ward. The results are promising and the hospitalist role also seems to fit into the Finnish health care system.
The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Oulu is offering an advanced hospitalist training programme, which has not previously been available either in Finland or in any other European country. It lasts two years and prepares a new path to coordinating comprehensive healthcare of patients with more complex care needs.
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