The influence of self-user shadowing in the intra-metro communication scenario at 28 GHz
Xu, Yuxuan; He, Danping; Yi, Haofan; Guan, Ke; Heino, Mikko; Sonkki, Marko (2020-07-08)
Y. Xu, D. He, H. Yi, K. Guan, M. Heino and M. Sonkki, "The Influence of Self-User Shadowing in the Intra-Metro Communication Scenario at 28 GHz," 2020 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.23919/EuCAP48036.2020.9135208
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Nowadays metro plays an important role in people’s daily life. It is significant to realize a high-data-rate wireless connectivity in metro carriages. In this paper, the intra-metro channels with the consideration of self-user shadowing at 28 GHz are characterized by ray-tracing (RT) simulation. The three-dimensional metro model is reconstructed according to the actual size of Madrid Metro. Based on the RT simulation results, totally six cases (three transmitter deployments, with and without self-user shadowing) are characterized in terms of angular spreads, received power, root-mean-square (RMS) delay spread. Once the user shadows the channel, the received power will be approximately 15–25 dB less than that of unoccupied. Compared with the parameters of angular spreads and RMS delay spread without shadowing, the wireless link is established by Non-LOS due to the self-user shadowing effect. These results provide valuable insights into the system design and evaluation for wireless communications inside the metro scenario.
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