High-power 1.5μm laser diodes for LIDAR applications
Viheriälä, Jukka; Aho, Antti T.; Uusitalo, Topi; Lyytikäinen, Jari; Hallman, Lauri; Ryvkin, Boris S.; Avrutin, Eugene A.; Kostamovaara, Juha T.; Guina, Mircea (2019-12-23)
J. Viheriälä et al., "High-power 1.5μm laser diodes for LIDAR applications," 2019 IEEE High Power Diode Lasers and Systems Conference (HPD), Coventry, United Kingdom, 2019, pp. 9-10, doi: 10.1109/HPD48113.2019.8938669
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We report on the development of high peak power laser diodes emitting in the 1.5μm wavelength band for eye-safe LIDAR applications. Different techniques for wavelength locking to and operation with a narrow emission spectrum are discussed. Furthermore, we review the strategies to increase the beam brightness. Recent progress in new epitaxial layer designs enabling high peak powers is also discussed. Finally, we discuss the performance of the laser diodes in terms of improvements they render possible for high-performance LIDAR systems.
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