Energy-efficient bit allocation for resolution-adaptive ADC in multiuser large-scale MIMO systems : global optimality
Nguyen, Kien-Giang; Vu, Quang-Doanh; Tran, Le-Nam; Juntti, Markku (2020-05-14)
K. Nguyen, Q. Vu, L. Tran and M. Juntti, "Energy-Efficient Bit Allocation for Resolution-Adaptive ADC in Multiuser Large-Scale MIMO Systems: Global Optimality," ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Barcelona, Spain, 2020, pp. 5130-5134, doi: 10.1109/ICASSP40776.2020.9052945
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We consider uplink multiuser wireless communications systems, where the base station (BS) receiver is equipped with a large-scale antenna array and resolution adaptive analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). The aim is to maximize the energy efficiency (EE) at the BS subject to constraints on the users’ quality-of-service. The approach is to jointly optimize both the number of quantization bits at the ADCs and the on/off modes of the radio frequency (RF) processing chains. The considered problem is a discrete nonlinear program, the optimal solution of which is difficult to find. We develop an efficient algorithm based on the discrete branch-reduce-and-bound (DBRnB) framework. It finds the globally optimal solutions to the problem. In particular, we make some modifications, which significantly improve the convergence performance. The numerical results demonstrate that optimizing jointly the number of quantization bits and on/off mode can achieve remarkable EE gains compared to only optimizing the number of quantization bits.
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