Field trial of the 3.5 GHz citizens broadband radio service governed by a spectrum access system (SAS)
Palola, Marko; Höyhtyä, Marko; Aho, Pekka; Mustonen, Miia; Kippola, Tero; Heikkilä, Marjo; Yrjölä, Seppo; Hartikainen, Vesa; Tudose, Lucia; Kivinen, Arto; Ekman, Reijo; Hallio, Juhani; Paavola, Jarkko; Mäkeläinen, Marko; Hänninen, Tuomo (2017-05-08)
M. Palola et al., "Field trial of the 3.5 GHz citizens broadband radio service governed by a spectrum access system (SAS)," 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN), Piscataway, NJ, 2017, pp. 1-9. doi: 10.1109/DySPAN.2017.7920760
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In this paper, we describe a spectrum access system (SAS) based Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) field trial using a live LTE network in the 3.5 GHz band. The latest WInnForum specification guided the implementation of the relevant protocols for SAS operation. Here, we evaluate the performance of a CBRS field trial by using one of the most important performance indicators in a spectrum sharing scenario — the evacuation time. It indicates how rapidly the secondary user relinquishes the shared spectrum band to the primary user. Following the applied protocols, we measure and analyze the time scales for the evacuation and frequency change procedures in a field trial environment. Our work shows that the set time limits for the protection of primary users against interference are realistic when using commercially available mobile networks and equipment. Finally, utilizing knowledge of the latest base station models, we propose ways to reduce the evacuation and reconfiguration time by up to 70%.
- Avoin saatavuus [34150]