Assessment of cognitive radio networks through military capability development viewpoint
Tuukkanen, Topi; Couturier, Stefan; Buchin, Boyd; Bräysy, Timo; Krygier, Jaroslaw; Verheul, Erik; Le Nir, Vincent; Smit, Niels (2018-06-28)
T. Tuukkanen et al., "Assessment of cognitive radio networks through military capability development viewpoint," 2018 International Conference on Military Communications and Information Systems (ICMCIS), Warsaw, 2018, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/ICMCIS.2018.8398691
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In the absence of real-life implementations, this paper attempts to conceptually capture potential benefits and improvements that Cognitive Radio Networks (CRN) could introduce to a military environment. Functional business capability areas, as well as a system model, are used to frame analysis. Military CRNs improve reliability and availability of information flows. These may lead to improved information sharing and situation awareness and eventually to wider adoption of mission command and self-synchronization. However, fundamental capacity benefits of the CRNs remain a research topic. The requirement of computer-aided planning, preparation and simulation environment in support of deployed CRNs could also serve as a research and development platform for a Cognitive Radio System development activity as a collaborative international effort.
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