Negative‐ion/positive‐ion coincidence spectroscopy as a tool to identify anionic fragments : the case of core‐excited CHF₃
Kivimäki, Antti; Stråhlman, Christian; Sankari, Rami; Richter, Robert (2019-12-11)
Kivimäki, A, Stråhlman, C, Sankari, R, Richter, R. Negative‐ion/positive‐ion coincidence spectroscopy as a tool to identify anionic fragments: The case of core‐excited CHF3. J Mass Spectrom. 2020; 55:e4487.
© 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. "This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Kivimäki, A, Stråhlman, C, Sankari, R, Richter, R. Negative‐ion/positive‐ion coincidence spectroscopy as a tool to identify anionic fragments: The case of core‐excited CHF3. J Mass Spectrom. 2020; 55:e4487, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving."
We have studied the dissociation of the trifluoromethane molecule, CHF₃, into negative ionic fragments at the C 1s and F 1s edges. The measurements were performed by detecting coincidences between negative and positive ions. We observed five different negative ions: F⁻, H⁻, C⁻, CF⁻, and F₂⁻. Their production was confirmed by the analysis of triple coincidence events (negative‐ion/positive‐ion/positive‐ion or NIPIPI coincidences) that were recorded with cleaner signals than those of the negative‐ion/positive‐ion coincidences. The intensities of the most intense NIPIPI coincidence channels were recorded as a function of photon energy across the C 1s and F 1s excitations and ionization thresholds. We also observed dissociation channels involving the formation of one negative ion and three positive ions. Our results demonstrate that negative‐ion/positive‐ion coincidence spectroscopy is a very sensitive method to observe anions, which at inner‐shell edges are up to three orders of magnitude less probable dissociation products than cations.
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