Evolutionäärinen tulkinta sektoritutkimuksen rakenteellisesta kehittämisestä ympäristö- ja luonnonvara-alalla
Inkeröinen, Jouko (2019-12-01)
Inkeröinen, Jouko. Evolutionäärinen tulkinta sektoritutkimuksen rakenteellisesta kehittämisestä ympäristö- ja luonnonvara-alalla, 2019, Hallinnon Tutkimus, Vol. 38(3), p. 207–225.
© 2019 Hallinnon tutkimus seura RY. Rinnakkaistallennettu kustantajan luvalla.
The article examines long-term structural change in Finland’s public research institutes system within the framework of evolutionary organization theory, focusing on evolutionary features, selection environment and key mechanisms. Empirical data is gathered by thematic interviews. Observation is that the mission to support evolutionary over revolutionary change has been gradually accomplished but opposing forces in selection environment have complicated the process. The aim to promote horizontal cooperation between sectorial institutes has formed new collaborative variants to system, but these have not been able to compete with institute fusion strategy.
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