Design of behavior change environment with interactive signage having active talk function
Zhang, Zhihua; Arakawa, Yutaka; Oinas-kukkonen, Harri (2019-06-06)
Z. Zhang, Y. Arakawa and H. Oinas-kukkonen, "Design of Behavior Change Environment with Interactive Signage Having Active Talk Function," 2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops), Kyoto, Japan, 2019, pp. 796-801. doi: 10.1109/PERCOMW.2019.8730807
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In this paper, we construct an interactive signage system, which is able to actively talk to users who are passing the signage system and at the same time tries to induce behavioral changes through visual and auditory stimulation. On top of our previous feasibility study, we re-design our proposed system based on the persuasive system design (PSD) model and the behavior change support system (BCSS) theory. The new design consists of 4 parts: recognizing (identifying and classifying users), executing (sending triggers and inducing behavior change), reviewing (recording users’ reaction), and feedback (keeping or improving users’ motivation). To track users’ status and performance, we use the smartphone and the smartwatch to collect users’ bio-data (e.g. heart rate, number of steps) and users’ location. To send user triggers continuously without being interrupted by notifications from other applications, we set the interactive signage in the daily action line of users and present information to users when they pass the signage. In order to make the system more persuasive, we pick up eight features from the 28-feature list of PSD and apply them to our design.
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