Fragmentary multi-instance classification
Wu, Jie; Zhuge, Wenzhang; Liu, Xinwang; Liu, Li; Hou, Chenping (2019-09-20)
J. Wu, W. Zhuge, X. Liu, L. Liu and C. Hou, "Fragmentary Multi-Instance Classification," in IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 51, no. 10, pp. 5156-5169, Oct. 2021, doi: 10.1109/TCYB.2019.2938206
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Multi-instance learning (MIL) has been extensively applied to various real tasks involving objects with bags of instances, such as in drugs and images. Previous studies on MIL assume that data are entirely complete. However, in many real tasks, the instance is fragmentary. In this article, we present probably the first study on multi-instance classification with fragmentary data. In our proposed framework, called fragmentary multi-instance classification (FIC), the fragmentary data are completed and the multi-instance classifier is learned jointly. To facilitate the integration between the completion and classifier learning, FIC establishes the weighting mechanism to measure the importance levels of different instances. To validate the compatibility of our framework, four typical MIL methods, including multi-instance support vector machine (MI-SVM), expectation maximization diverse density (EM-DD), citation-K nearest neighbors (Citation-KNNs), and MIL with discriminative bag mapping (MILDM), are embedded into the framework to obtain the corresponding FIC versions. As an illustration, an efficient solving algorithm is developed to address the problem for MI-SVM, together with the proof of convergence behavior. The experimental results on various types of real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness.
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